Stone Age MCQ: Ancient History Notes | Jobindiainfo Notes

The Stone Age, spanning from approximately 2.5 million years ago to around 3,500 years ago, is divided into three distinct periods: the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. In the Paleolithic Age, early humans used crude stone tools and relied on hunting and gathering for sustenance, leading a nomadic lifestyle. The Mesolithic Age saw advancements in tool-making and the gradual transition to settled communities, with increased reliance on agriculture and animal domestication marking the Neolithic Age. These periods witnessed the evolution of human culture, including the development of language, art such as cave paintings, and the establishment of early social structures, laying the groundwork for the eventual rise of complex civilizations.

1: According to the excavated evidence, the domestication of animals began in –

2: From which one of the following sites bone implements have been found?

3: The cultivation of cereals first started in –

4. The earliest evidence of man in India is found in

5. The first cereal used by man was :

6: The earliest evidence of agriculture in the Indian subcontinent comes from –

7: Name the site which has revealed the earliest evidence of settled life?

8: In which state, the Navdatoli is located?

9: Consider the following statements pertaining to the Ahar Civilization –

A. The natives of Ahar knew copper smelting

B. Rice was unknown to them

C. Metalwork was one of the means of the economy of the Ahar

D. Black – Red coloured pottery has been found here, on which generally white-coloured geometrical designs have been carved.

10: Megaliths have been identified as-

11: ‘Bhimbetka’ is famous for –

12. Bhimbetka was discovered by

13. Which of the following sites has yielded the skeleton of the dog along with the human skeleton in burial?

14: Where is National Human Museum situated?

15: Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered the first Palaeolithic tool in India was an –